peace family,
today is the last day of march. where in the hell is time going? i'm convinced that the earth is spinning faster, making time fly with it. it was just december. and now we've already completed 25% of the year 2006. i remember prince singing about partying like it's 1999 back in the 80s and me thinking about how far away that was. it left me to wonder, where will i be i be in 1999? i had so many goals planned out. and now here we are, 7 years past that futuristic 1999. no flying cars, no robots in the street, no perfect society, no end of the world. oh well. such is life.
i figure today would be a good day to post the theme behind some of my lessons learned this year. and wow did i learn a lot. i'm forever changed because of it. that's the beauty in life. the change factor. you can think you know something, but in one sliver of a moment you can realize that you didn't know a damn thing. and what should we do with this bucket of new knowledge? by all means we must apply it to our lifestyle. flexibility is key. our survival depends on it.
there is nothing consant in the universe. all ebb & flow and every shape that's born, bears in its womb the seeds of change.
so many times, we may possess the truth, but refuse to go thru the hell of applying it to our way of life. it's "easier" to hold on to our preconceived notions, irregardless of the difficulties they create. then wonder why we're struggling to be at peace. for example, we've all seen the story about the battered wife who chooses to stay with her no-good husband. she knows she's not happy, but can't remove the blockage that makes her stay in hell. the lack of application of her knowledge feeds her beaten condition. she's has trouble wrapping her brain around the idea that she can do much better without him. the change factor is way to much for her to handle. once she finally gets the strength to stand up for herself, embrace her self-worth, and leave this guy alone, she becomes free from the pain and the stains of bullshit that she's been enduring. we must defeat the hardships that block our path toward growth and development. knowing that any hardship we face, begin in the mind. we must conquer our demons there. nothing is ever as hard as it seems. we are the only ones capable of validating our mental state. residing on the square of truth will always set us free. embrace the facts and always think outside of the box.
key lesson:
be the water. water is flexible. always happy at the lowest level. it can't be destroyed, yet it can overcome rocks and stones.