what's the deal with all these expectations floating around? why do we ever expect anything from anyone? it's a sure way to experience disappointment. the greatest moments that ever came my way were the unexpected ones. so what's all this talk about expecting something? we, as humans, try too hard to control our friends, loved ones, coworkers, associates, the stranger that accidentally bumped into us on the street and so on. we want them to mimic our approach to life. put them in a box, and if they step outside of it, then "oh, hell naw. get your ass back in that box!!!" shouldn't we just live and let people be? in a perfect world, it would be nice to see reflections of yourself in everyone you meet, but this is not the reality. the people you come across on this planet possess their own mind. they have their own objectives. i am willing to offer respect to all of these individuals that walk the planet earth. i recognize that i am not here to judge anyone. how can i possibly know what's best for anyone? i can't. i can only focus on my actions and be a living example of what i would like to see manifest in this world.
since people can't be controlled, wouldn't it be easier to just associate yourself with people who are on the same page, going in the same direction & eating from the same tree as you. this way you'll understand where this person is coming from, even if you don't agree with his/her position on a particular topic. and if the difference in vision ever becomes too much, you can choose to love it or leave it alone.
here's a fable i love to death...
there was a nice woman that found an injured snake outside of her home. she brought it inside and helped it back to perfect health. soon after, the snake bit the woman. as the venom seeped into her veins, killing her slowly, she asked the snake, "how could you do this too me?". the snake replied, "bitch, you knew i was a snake."
be your own sole controller and let people be themselves.
peace love and respect!
wow...that fable was raw and funny, but that's how people are, which is why we call people snakes sometimes, it is best to let people be...love it or leave it alone
good post....i struggle with this every day. i feel individuality, just don't force it on me, ya know!?! but if we can't find some kind of common ground, i gots ta bounce!!!!! some snakes/people are poisonous!!!!!
You're right...we will never like how everyone else lives there lives, so perhaps the most important thing is to live our the best we can!
i learned a long time ago if i expect nothing from people, than i am bever let down when they don't meet my expectations. if they do anything more it is just a pleasant surprise.
nice blog...we can only try to set an example of what type of expectations we want out of life..great thoughts..keep up the good work.
ummmm...when do you plan to update with a new post?
of course that's cool with me, will. you can share my blog with the entire planet. i'm excited that you like it enough to consider it one of your favorites. thanks for checking me out.
peace, love and respect!
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