Tuesday, March 21, 2006


so...america has the village idiot as its leader. this is a clear tale sign that we're in trouble. not only is this gump supporting war and wasting billions of precious dollars, he's really not smart. seriously, he's just as dumb as the carpet i walk on. i understand that he was pissed at the bombing of the twin towers in 2001, but his so-called retaliation has went way too far. what i don't get is how do you plan to attack terrorism when you're a faithful terrorist yourself. he's a living hypocrite that gets off on terrorizing entire nations. and by far, the world's biggest bully. why in the hell are troops still in iraq? do we remember the the purpose of the invasion? what happened to the plan of eradicating weapons of mass destruction. oh that's right, there weren't any. it was all a lie. a big fat one. i guess it was all about the oil. i really don't get how one is allowed to go to another place on the planet and dictate how the inhabitants should run their government. it seems rude. as far as the way the system is set up over here...healthcare sucks, proper education is non-existent, way too many people are living on the streets, not to mention the various issues of drugs, guns, racism, police brutality, and the list goes on and on and on. and if i'm reading this correctly, the plan is to set up a government similiar to the one that sucks major ass here in the states. these fucking bloodsuckers of the poor are getting away with murder. literally!! i truly think that politics is a huge waste of time. who wants to hear lip service. unless the lips of these vampires are kissing my ass.

there have been 3,000 soldiers that have lost their life in the past 3 years in iraq. compared to the 30,000 - 100,000 iraqis that have lost their lives. this shit must cease.

war...what is it good for? absolutely nothing.


At March 22, 2006 8:33 AM, Blogger Waddie G. said...

way too many people have died for the greed of the Bush family and his cohorts.


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