Thursday, March 16, 2006

the rat race

why in the hell are we allowing other people to dictate to us where we need to be for money? you know what i'm talking about. the 9-5, the 8:30-5 gig (or whatever your master thinks your hours should be). we barely spend daylight hours in our home. rent, mortgage just wasting away. we're basically paying for storage. we wake up knowing exactly where we'll be M-F. this is extremely played out. it's time for us to get some cash flow coming in so we can stop working for the man. it's true. if you don't have a dream of your own then you'll be working damn hard to support someone else's. we need to take our destiny and livelihood in our own hands. financial independence is where it's at. just imagine. your money working for you. literally. buy assets...kill the liabilities. check out

since i'm not ready to give up my job just yet (lol), what's all this business about being at work on time? i never and i mean never get to work on time. i can try and it never turns out that way. but i figure, what's the harm? i'm alive right. i mean none of our moments are guaranteed on this planet. so how can my job assume i'm running late, when something could've happened to me. for real. when i show up, ppl should be clapping and hugging me b/c i'm alive, damnit. rarely do they think of this though. they're just ready to tell me about myself and put their observations in my reviews and stuff. like it matters. i can, however, promise my employer that i will never do a no-call no-show. that's completely irresponsible. i may do a call and no-show OR a no-call and late-show. never a no-call no-show.

love peace and balance!


At March 16, 2006 4:14 PM, Blogger Waddie G. said...

you are the truth!!!

if others know the way I know you, they would laught their asses off knowing that this is for real for real you...go on girl!!!

At March 17, 2006 1:13 AM, Blogger Sherlon Christie said...

I like my 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. and I like the fact someone else is paying the health insurance bill

At March 17, 2006 8:43 AM, Blogger Ladynay said...

LOL@ about how your company should be clapping and happy that your alive and made it in! Never thought of it that way!

At March 23, 2006 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally feel you. I can't get to work on time either. But I feel like if I work 17 hours days, don't worry about what time I show up as long as show.


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