Saturday, July 01, 2006

single mother syndrome -- makes u wanna HOLLA!

there are entirely too many single mothers in the united states. why is that? do u think it could be a conspiracy?

most of the time, it starts with a so-called love connection with some male. after the (not even worth it most of the time) mating process. sperm penetrates the egg and KABOOM...a baby is going to be born in 9 months.

it's something how the phrase "mother's baby, daddy's maybe" is real. maybe it's because daddy has a choice. he can roll bounce or stick around. most times, though, it's the women that choose to go through with the labor and delivery, that HAVE TO DO MOST, IF NOT ALL of the parenting. every day she must make sure her child eats, plays, learns, grows, rests, and be safe at all times. from sunrise to sunrise. every day. ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG. which is cool, because she did give birth to her precious child. it's just funny how a man can decide when or if he wants to spend time or not. even if he's not in a relationship with the mother, it still seems like he would want to spend as much time with his seed as possible. hell, what can be more important than spending time with your seed? especially, if that child doesn't live in your house. i just don't get it.

i guess there's a reason why the child spends the first 9 months of his life in the womb of his mother. could it have been preparing him for the real world?

peace love and balance!


At July 03, 2006 12:21 AM, Blogger Clay said...

yeah there are a lot of single mothers but i think it is because there are so many YOUNG mothers ... kids raising kids, you know

At July 04, 2006 6:10 PM, Blogger divine oasis said...

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At July 05, 2006 12:19 PM, Blogger Elle Jefe said...

not discounting the part that a father plays in his failure to participate in his child's life. there are also, too many mother's these days who use their child as a bargaining chip. if you do this for me, you can see your kid. that eats me up. they are preventing their kids from having a healthy relationship with their father because of their own issues. part of that issue is the whole babies having babies syndrome, but i think that the baby mama drama is unneccessary. they aren't huring anyone but the kids and that's sad.

At July 07, 2006 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl , I know a blast from the past right! Things have just been taking off as far as the summer goes and personal issues as well. But I just wanted to stop by and say keep up the good work single parenting , lets just leave it at that. I still have the same # 561-8388. I also have yours. I will try to give you a call some time this weekend if thats ok.


At August 12, 2006 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

At October 14, 2007 8:51 PM, Blogger Anger Management and Other Random Talk said...

This was an amazing analogy actually and I can respect your viewpoint. I am not a mother but I have a lot of friends who are single mothers and it saddens me because like you stated in your article the men seem to be able to "roll out" and not have to worry. Whatever happened to family structure? I really would like to grab a group of men who are not active in their child's life and ask WHY? And see the dumb look on their faces because honestly I don't think there is a real answer to "why" they are not there. Thanks for those thoughts. You can also visit my blog:

At November 27, 2007 3:46 PM, Blogger Tiffany said...

Although, many girls do use their child as a bargaining tool, this is not a valid excuse to run out on the family. The guys participated in the making of the baby just as much as the mothers... why is it that now a days so many men don't understand the value of a baby. Babies are a gift that did not ask to be born. As a single mother the fact that the sperm donors can turn their backs so quickly amazes me. They have no regard whether their flesh and blood is eating, being provided for, or properly cared for. I do everything in my power to insure my child comes before me but, all I do is work to pay the bills and this is not right!!! Moms are stressed while the "fathers" are out making a new family!!!

At November 30, 2007 4:15 PM, Blogger spud912 said...

Can I just say that half of the fault lies in the women. I think single mothers would like to put all the blame on the deadbeat dad. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but most single mothers are single because their "baby's daddy" was a deadbeat from the get-go. I think it's a good lesson to learn with: don't sleep around with losers!!! If you absolutely feel the need to sleep with a loser, then for heaven's sake please use protection. If you get pregnant and he flakes it, I blame the stupid woman who slept with a loser man and did not use protection. The only valid excuses for a single mother (in my mind) is when the she becomes a widow or when the mother is LEGITAMETLY divorced to the man (as in he had an affair or he became physically abusive). Too many divorces happen nowadays because people marry for the wrong reason and then divorce for even worse reasons ("he annoys me!!"). I have a perfect example of what I'm talking about: there is a single mother at my work who complains constantly about the father of her baby (who flaked out). Apparently, the father was a magazine salesperson who came knocking on her door to sell magazines. After talking to him for a matter of minutes she invites him into her home. He stayed with her for 1 week and the entire time they had unprotected sex. A few months later she found out she was pregnant and actually believed that he would want to be a part of the baby's life!!! What?!? Are you stupid? That was her fault 100%!!! Sorry about my rant, but I'm sick and tired of it!


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